Anthology on evaluation. The construction of a discipline. Ciudad de México: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas: Centro CLEAR para América Latina.


  • Alberto Vélez Valdez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey


Anthology, assessment, Public Management


Evaluation as a research discipline can be considered as the last stage of a public policy or legislative reform. In this Anthology on evaluation. The construction of a discipline, there is a collection of eleven specialized articles, translated from English to Spanish and considered significant for their contribution to generating a more robust theoretical model and accumulating practical cases. A coincidence among most of the authors is the instrumental utility of the evaluation for public management. And it is that the allocation of economic resources to a public policy depends to a greater extent on an evaluation of its performance. To find out how and why the State intervenes in certain problems, it is necessary to consult evaluations of previous policies. In addition, the findings of an evaluation can serve as an accountability exercise to the public, specifically to the stakeholders involved in such policies.


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Ballescá, M. (2015). Construyendo un sistema de monitoreo y evaluación para un gobierno subnacional, pp. 11-45. En Sanabria, P. (coord.) (2015). Avances y retos de la evaluación de políticas públicas en gobiernos subnacionales. Ciudad de México: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas: Centro CLEAR para América Latina



How to Cite

Vélez Valdez, A. (2023). Anthology on evaluation. The construction of a discipline. Ciudad de México: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas: Centro CLEAR para América Latina. Política, Globalidad Y Ciudadanía, 2(3), 109. Retrieved from