Editorial 4 (7): Fundamental transformations in the relations between states and their national societies
Today, a great part of the world has witnessed fundamental transformations, both in relations between states and their national societies, as well as the emergence of social networks, the telecommunications revolution, the tendency to multilateralism and the diversification of political affairs demand the current politics be an instrument for negotiation, the exchange of ideas and action, which is a challenge for governmental actors. In this sense, the present volume, the authors show results of their research related to democracy, government, political communication, diplomacy and Habeas data.
So that Revista Política, Globalidad y Ciudadanía, a scientific journal edited by the School of Political Sciences and International Relations of Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, aware of the need for the study and reflection of social sciences, presents the national and international academic - scientific community a new number in which you can consult research related to the different areas of social sciences. As is the case of the research carried out by Carlos Gómez Díaz de León, he presents a study which objective was to reflect on the concept of democracy as a form of political participation of society as a whole. It was concluded that the economic, social and technological transformations have caused transcendental reforms in the government model, that affect the functioning of modern democracies.
On the other hand, Gustavo García Rojas, presents an article that is the product of a bibliographic review with the objective of discussing the key conceptual transformations regarding the role of the state or the “art of governing” from the critical position of biopolitics. It was found that this change of historical conceptions is articulated with the critical formulations of coloniality and the political form of the state of exception in the path of transformations that the role of the nation-state has had as a privileged form of power in capitalism. This chapter will be addressed in a general way.
Likewise, Pedro Paul Rivera Hernández and Felipe de Jesús, Marañón-Lazcano present an article which aimed to analyze the impact of political communication in the case study of San Salvador Atenco, where police forces and citizens clashed, generating a series of violations of the rights of the latter and affecting the image of the politicians associated with the issue, it is concluded by reflecting on the contribution that mediation has in the search for respect for human rights and how this affects the perception of the political actors involved in the case.
At the same time, José Manuel Vázquez Godina in his article, which objective was to analyze Diplomatic Relations throughout the time between Mexico and the United States, and between Mexico and Latin America. It was found that the relations that Mexico has had with the United States and Latin America have been controversial, this has generated that the objectives of Mexico’s foreign policy proposed by the different heads of state consider the neighboring northern country as a variable of greatest influence.
Now, José Guillermo García Murillo in his article, which objective was to show evidence of Habeas Data as an instrument in the Mexican Legal System, it was found that the protection of personal data in Mexico has a Constitutional guarantee and powers known as ARCO rights, linking to the sphere of the right to information and freedom of expression, but also as a limit to protect the privacy, intimacy and dignity of individuals. The limit of the right to information is the respect that must be given to the private life of people who are the only ones empowered to give their consent for their information to be disseminated.
Finally, it is important to highlight that the present issue of the journal Revista Política, Globalidad y Ciudadanía includes the analysis and reflections of various social science issues with the aim of contributing to a debate with peers from different institutions and cooperating with new knowledge that generates social contribution.
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