About the Journal

Revista Política, Globalidad y Ciudadanía is a scientific journal on Political Science and International Relations (Social Sciences) that promotes the exchange, dissemination and transfer of knowledge in the field, with emphasis on the area of Politics; for this purpose, it is based on the political reality of Latin America and the rest of world. It relies on the quality of scientific production considering systematics and rigor; it uses the Double Blind Review methodology in its peer review process; it publishes original articles, results of research projects and literature reviews under the guidelines of the publishing standards of the American Psychological Association (APA), sixth edition.

Revista Política, Globalidad y Ciudadanía welcomes the good practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics; it is edited semi-annually, January-June and July-December, and it is distributed since 2015 under the support of the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León , in electronic format in Open Access. It spreads its work in Spanish and English  and it is addressed to the scientific community in Politics, mainly to researchers and teachers who deal with the field of Political Science and international Relations.

Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 20 (2024): July - December
					View Vol. 10 No. 20 (2024): July -  December

In this edition of the Scientific Journal Politics, Globality, and Citizenship, ten articles stand out that explore crucial topics for Latin American societies, addressing fundamental areas such as economy, gender, migration, culture of innovation, legal system, and international relations. These studies, conducted by researchers from Chile, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, and Venezuela, provide a rigorous and profound analysis that enriches the academic debate on these issues of contemporary relevance. Edited by the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, the journal establishes itself as a vital space for study and reflection in the social sciences, contributing to academic dialogue at national and international levels.

Published: 2024-06-30


  • Innovation, Leadership, and Structural Challenges in Latin America: A Multidimensional Analysis

    Gabriela Baltodano-García, Oswaldo Leyva Cordero
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-332


  • Is the existence of a glass ceiling perceived in Chilean municipalities?

    Nancy Alarcón Henríquez, Wendolin Suárez-Amaya, Javiera Ulloa Aguilera, Macarena Weisser Vargas
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-323
  • Educational Leadership based on Academic Productivity, Systematic Review of the Literature

    Rodolfo Jiménez-León, Edith Juliana Cisneros Chacón
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-282
  • The local elite of power and influence in the Puerto Montt community - Chile: two decades of changes

    Pablo Jara Inostroza, Alejandro Eugenio Santibáñez Hanschuh, Javier Ignacio Pereira Figueroa
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-286
  • Diagnosis for Implementation of management information systems in SMEs of the Province of Tundama

    Jhan Carlos Leon Osma, Juan David Salamanca Merchán, Erika Paola Rodríguez Lozano
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-328
  • Determining factors in Mexican skilled migration to the United States. A systematic review

    Solangel González-Ahumada
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-300
  • Culture, innovation, and performance in Colombian manufacturing industry

    Josue Vladimir Ramirez Tarazona, Ronald Arana Flórez, Emilio José Corrales Castillo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-326
  • When stability is not necessarily good. Notes on the Chilean party system in the years leading up to the social outbreak

    Raúl Cerro Fernández
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-322
  • Institutional strengthening of the communal action policy of Funza-Cundinamarca four-year period 2020-2023

    Diana Marcela Castillo- Ortiz
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-327
  • Specialized family co-mediation and comprehensive care of children: reflections for its implementation

    Rubinia Teresa Sandoval-Salazar, Carlos Franco-Castellanos, Lorena María Ancer-Chapa
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-310
  • The economic scenario due to covid-19: a theoretical analysis from the macroeconomic perspective

    José Iván Roncancio González, Nubia Rodriguez Ruiz
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-290
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