The mediation as a welfare policy
Happiness, mediation, peace, perceived subjective well-being, subjective well-being, well-being.Abstract
This article is part of a sequence of diverse research supported by an LGAC within the MASC PhD program, whose main objective is to create a culture for the use of MSCs. Representative of the theoretical part of the research project PAICYT 2019 called "Mediation path to well-being", aimed at identifying the theoretical framework of well-being and the MSC, for which an exegesis of the literature related to the subject was carried out from a comparative perspective, allowing us to reach assertive theoretical conclusions, so the review carried out in this first stage fulfilled its kite, reaching the following conclusions: Mediation is a catalyst for well-being and happiness, it generates social stability. Mediation is today a way to peace. Mediation and MSCs transform and manage conflicts from the perspective of interests and perceived subjective well-being, both supported by autonomy and free will. It is proposed to reverse the generation of well-being due to the logic of perceived subjective well-being, granting a leading role to people, going from being a passive actor to an active actor and how from their happiness they resolve their conflicts.
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