Conflict resolution, education policy, rule of law, and geopolitics: Past and present
Currently, the world is experiencing great challenges in public health, but it is also experiencing these challenges in finding new formulas for an economic development. The political systems of diverse nations are challenged to find sustainable solutions that meet the expectations of the nations (Zamorano Farías, 2010.)
In this issue of the magazine "Politics, Globality and Citizenship", the reader will have access to eleven articles that delve into topics that are essential to find the institutional mechanisms that allow to have a better social coexistence among individuals who are part of a plural society, and also among the nations. They correspond to studies that have been carried out rigorously and with an examination of cases that contribute to a necessary debate in the current Academy.
Thereon, it is important to reflect on the concept of a "quality" democracy in which O'Donnell, Vargas and Iazzetta (2004) established that there are some essential elements that allow us to speak of a democracy with content. This concept is made up, among other things, by the conduct of free elections, by a true independence of the media, by having acceptable indices in matters of equity, by the fact that the population has access to extensive social security and because the majorities and minorities are represented.
For that very reason, it is important that institutions can become an effective mechanism that can enable those ideals for a quality democracy to become an everyday reality. According to a study made by Tusell (2015), some of the factors that are inherently related to the quality of democracy are accountability and the rule of law.
In general terms, this is one of the main concepts that concern us in this issue: the correct functioning of public powers is key in the consolidation of any democratic regime and, in particular, in preserving fundamental freedoms (Barreda, 2010.)
Regarding mediation, there is a qualitative study by Roberto Guerrero Vega, from the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua, who proposes a model for evaluating the quality of the mediation service in Mexico. It is necessary to highlight that these investigations like the ones made by Guerrero Vega are the ones that contribute to establish the bases for an improvement in the resolution of controversies, the same ones that contribute to generate a better social coexistence. Precisely on the topic of well-being, is that Francisco Gorjón Gómez, from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (Mexico), presents us a study that corroborates the presence of mediation as an instrument to achieve collective well-being.
Regarding the legal analysis, the inquiries of Yahaira Berenice Martínez-Pérez, Brenda Judith Sauceda-Villeda and María Salomé Moreno-Rodríguez from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (Mexico) are presented, who argue in favor of a legal reform that could protect the most vulnerable sectors. In addition, there is the participation of Jose Luis Leal Espinosa, from the Autonomous University of Coahuila (Mexico), who also argues strongly about the need to specify institutional mechanisms that guarantee the entitlement to information.
In educational matters, we have the outstanding participations of Fabio Orlando Cruz Paez and Oswaldo Vanegas Florez from the University of Cundinamarca (Colombia) and the case of Fernando Cárdenas Cabello from the CIFE University Center (Mexico), who explain to us about the technological surveillance process and its impact on the organizational culture of a prestigious Colombian university in the first case, while in the second case, it is examined the adequacy of industrial policy 4.0 in the transition from one government to another, based on the analysis of the National Development Plan. Also, the researchers from the Universidad de la Costa, Grays Nuñez Ríos, Kadry García Mendoza, Judith Castillo Martelo and Nevis Niño-Jiménez carry out a study on a community intervention on how citizens can be motivated to participate in activities that contribute to the peace.
In geopolitical matters, this issue has two notable products: The analysis of the relationship of the Pacific Alliance, which is made up by Mexico, Peru, Chile and Colombia, with the People's Republic of China, carried out by Flavio Rafael González-Ayala, a researcher from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (Mexico.) The reader can also consult the inter-institutional research made by José María Ramos García (El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mexico), Carlos Barrachina Lisón (Anáhuac University, México) and Jimmy Emmanuel Ramos (Autonomous University of Baja California), who ponder the challenges from the southern border of Mexico, regarding its importance in its relationship with the United States.
Finally, this issue has notable international contributions on current issues and also an introspection of the evolution of a political party that has been fundamental to Spanish democracy: The commitment to disseminate research projects on current issues of the magazine Politics, Globality and Citizenship is reflected in them, as well as those that contain a timely historical review.
In relation to the subject, and with validity, we can find the work of Juan Sebastián Sánchez Gómez (University if Los Andes, Colombia), who has exposed the case of the state of exception decreed in Colombia from the coronavirus pandemic. In the case of Borja García-Vázquez (Autonomous University of Nuevo León), an extensive tour of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) is made, from a year before the death of Francisco Franco, up to the year of his first electoral defeat at ta national level, after holding power for 14 consecutive years.
In summary, Fascicle 6 (12) has articles written by prestigious researchers, from also outstanding educational centers, which reflect on fundamental topics that reinforce the current lines of research in the field of geopolitics, mediation, the rule of law and educational policy. Therefore, our intention is to contribute to the permanent exchange in quality research, which is why we hope that the scholars who have consulted this edition can find information that is useful to them in their own investigations.
Barreda, M. (2010). La calidad de la democracia: Un análisis comparado de América Latina. Política y gobierno, 13(2), 265-295.
O’ Donnell, G., Vargas, J. e Iazzetta, O. (2004). The Quality of Democracy: Theory and Applications. Notre Dame: The University of Notre Dame Press.
Tusell, A. (2015). La calidad de la democracia y sus factores determinantes. Un análisis comparado de 60 países. Política y Sociedad, 52(1), 179-204. doi: DOI:
Zamorano Farías, R. (2010). El sistema político como institucionalización de las expectativas. Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado,43(128),895-921 DOI:
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