Perspectives of the Right to the City in Puebla
right to the city, Economic Rights, Social rights, cultural rights, Puebla de los ÁngelesAbstract
The so-called Right to the City, starts from the premise that the population can recover the urban spaces that originally corresponded to them and make them part of their own culture again, independently of the interests of savage capitalism. From the point of view of this right, a study of the City of Puebla is proposed, showing how since its foundation, it has been part of an elite plan in which the population has been directed to a very specific territorial planning, of the which now give rise to many of the problems of violence and social conflicts that are experienced within it. Inductive, historical, and analytical methods were used, using national and international instruments, with special emphasis on the latter. Among the main conclusions reached, we should highlight the need to apply a protocol that contributes to the development of the Right to the City in Puebla, covering three aspects: community, crime and environment.
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