Redefining the precariat from the Chinese perspective
precariat, environmentalism, health crisis, economic crisis, environmental crisisAbstract
This article is the product of a documentary review whose objective was to deny the originality of the precariat as a new emerging social class, by exposing the concept, confronting it with the notion of class exposed from Marxism, and the existing social conditions in the currently in the People's Republic of China. For this, the qualitative method of documentary review of the works of the author who coined the concept of precariat, Guy Standing, was applied, opposing it to the writings of Antonio Gramsci, Karl Marx, Louis Althusser, Mao Tse-Tung, and Slavoj Žižek, as representatives of the Marxism; finding that the worsening of the workers' situation has originated a phenomenon of precarious living conditions, concluding that the precariat is not a new class, but rather the impoverishment of the proletariat.
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