Analysis of income distribution in Tijuana: reconfiguration among urban strata
Gini index, income distribution, inequality, northern borderAbstract
Base on the update of a study conducted in 1984 by Mungaray and Moctezuma on the distribution of income and expenditure in Tijuana, the objective of this paper is to analyze the income inequality within the urban area of Tijuana, using as analysis instruments´ the Lorenz curves and Gini indices, considering the income of the head of household and that of the family, for each of the urban strata (privileged, middle and marginal), as well as to make a comparison between the findings of 1984 and that of 2020. Among the results is the fact that, 35 years later, the distribution of income in Tijuana did not experience significant changes; however, once this analysis is disaggregated by urban areas, differences in the income inequality are found, which could suggest a reconfiguration of income distribution within these areas.
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