What factors influence monetary poverty in the poorest and least poor regions of Peru in the year 2021? A probabilistic estimation





Assets, probabilistic model, Peru, monetary poverty


The objective of the research was to analyze the factors that influence monetary poverty in the Puno and Ica regions in 2021, the most and least poor, respectively. A non-experimental design and correlational method was applied, using data from the National Household Survey through a probabilistic econometric model under the asset approach. It is concluded that in the Puno region, the factors that reduce the probability of being poor are the head of the household's access to the Internet, if he has a secondary education and if he has a cell phone. While in the Ica region, the factors that reduce the probability of being poor is if the head of the household accesses a sewage system and has a formal job. This study evaluates two different socioeconomic contexts and it was found that the main asset that influences both regions is physical capital, on the other hand, human and social capital differ as expected, therefore, it highlights that the possession of assets should be considered in depending on the peculiarity of the region.


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Author Biographies

Sadith Renojo Galvez, Universidad Continental

Bachiller en Economía por la Universidad Continental, Universidad Continental, correo 74899280@continental.edu.pe ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9623-5140

Valeria Torres Gómez, Universidad continental

achiller en Economía por la Universidad Continental, Universidad Continental, correo 71083979@continental.edu.pe. ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4676-9961

Yohana Falconi Vivas, Universidad continental

Bachiller en Economía por la Universidad Continental, Universidad Continental, correo 72695724@continental.edu.pe. ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3732-8005

Gustavo Ilich Loayza Acosta, Universidad continental

Maestría en Administración por la Universidad Continental, Docente, Universidad Continental, correo gloayza@continental.edu.pe ORCID  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5487-6679


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How to Cite

Renojo Galvez, S., Torres Gómez, V., Falconi Vivas, Y., & Loayza Acosta, G. I. (2023). What factors influence monetary poverty in the poorest and least poor regions of Peru in the year 2021? A probabilistic estimation. Política, Globalidad Y Ciudadanía, 10(19), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.19-269