Climate displaced persons in the neoliberal context: a cycle of socio-environmental degradation
climate change, migration, neoliberal capitalism, socio-environmental degradationAbstract
The current political and socioeconomic relations are developed under a neoliberal capitalist economic system, cause certain social and environmental injustices that can be manifested, for example, in that the inhabitants of the regions considered to be the most vulnerable, are forced to move because negatives of climate change. The objective of this article was to show documentary evidence of how this type of displacement cannot and should not be seen only from an environmental lens, but from the entire social, political, and economic context in which they unfold. Through an exploratory study on how environmental and climatic displacements have occurred within the context of neoliberal capitalism in which our globalized world finds itself. This was carried out from a qualitative approach and methodology. The results agreed that the current neoliberal system creates cheap labor, since it is still cheaper to produce in underdeveloped countries where there are fewer labor and environmental regulations. The issue of displacement due to climate change should focus on building the resilience of vulnerable regions with adaptation strategies for negative effects that are difficult to mitigate; and thus prevent more people from having to move in search of better life opportunities, therefore, it is necessary that we work for climate and social justice.
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