Contractual relationship in Local Public Education Services: analysis from Agency Theory
Educational Governance, New Chilean Public Education, Educational Policy, Local Education Service, Agency TheoryAbstract
On the other hand, the Local Public Education Services are educational organizations created to restructure the Chilean public education system. In this sense, the objective of this work was to apply the concepts of the Agency Theory, to the Local Services, trying to explain, theoretically, the relationship that exists with the educational establishments of the public system. The methodology used was the interpretative documentary review through content analysis. For this purpose, laws, regulations, decrees and evaluation reports issued by the relevant institutions and scientific articles were reviewed. It is concluded that the Agency Theory allows to analyze the organizational system of Local Services. In this same sense, the figure of principal falls on the executive management of the Local Services and the agents will be the directors of the educational establishments, who through Performance Agreements, determine the terms of the contractual relationship. Along with the above, control mechanisms are observed, which are materialized through the performance agreement, the Local Educational and Strategic Improvement Plan, the latter defines the educational strategy and management for a certain time.
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