Sexual exploitation: corruption, regulations and public policy in Mexico
corruption, public servant, regulatory framework, sexual favorsAbstract
The objective of this paper is to identify if sextortion is contemplated in the penal codes in Mexico as a crime of corruption in the public service, differentiating it from sexual harassment and harassment. This study was developed applying a qualitative-theoretical investigation, through an exhaustive process of survey and systematic review of scientific articles, statistical works and regulations at a national and international level. The main results denote that in Mexico its classification as a crime is not generalized, since it could only be located in the penal codes of Hidalgo, Jalisco and Quintana Roo, under the concept of "sexual exploitation", which affects in a less knowledge, diffusion and prosecution at a national level. Likewise, international guidelines were identified in the formulation of preventive public policies for this type of phenomenon. This denoted the importance of reviewing both the current regulatory frameworks and public policies and programs, to update them on this issue according to the needs of women.
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