Analysis of organizational problems in companies in the municipalities of Facatativá and Chía in the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia
Co-workers, motivation, problems, organizationAbstract
The general objective of this article was to analyze the main organizational problems perceived by employees of companies located in the municipalities of Facatativá and Chía in the department of Cundinamarca, which may have a considerable impact on performance and productivity in the short, medium and long term. Taking into account a non-experimental methodology, whose typology was descriptive transversal, a Likert-type questionnaire was applied as an instrument, which was evaluated on a scale of 0 to 5, according to the following criteria: 0 (the problem has never arisen), 1 (at some point it has arisen), 2 (it has arisen a few times), 3 (it often arises), 4 (it arises many times) and 5 (it always arises); said questionnaire was applied to a non-probabilistic sample, with an intentional approach, to 161 collaborators belonging to 50 companies. It was found that work overload is frequent in 22%, poor unity of command in 21%, work conformism in 20%, work stress in 20%, poor work integration among employees in 19% and work dissatisfaction in 19%, which have a direct impact on performance.
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