When stability is not necessarily good. Notes on the Chilean party system in the years leading up to the social outbreak





Chile, decoupling, institutionalisation, party system, stability


This paper set out to analyze whether the party system in Chile could be considered institutionalized and then to study its evolution from 2006 to 2019. It then sought to give another perspective on the stability that characterized the Chilean party system, since the coalitional alignments that occurred in the years of the dictatorship impacted the competitive dynamics of the post-transitional party system. For three decades, the political landscape was dominated by the center-left Concertación bloc and the right-wing bloc. Therefore, this paper conducted a detailed and specialized literature review on the Chilean case. What was determined is that although there was a high degree of stability, a relevant aspect in terms of the categorization of an institutionalized system, the citizenry was distancing itself from institutional politics because it felt that it did not respond to its demands. It had lost the capacity to permeate the citizenry. Thus, at the end of 2019 Chile experienced the social outburst, one of the main milestones in the recent history of the country, which meant the materialization of the total disengagement between the political elite and the citizenry.


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Author Biography

Raúl Cerro Fernández, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Graduado en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Actualmente cursando el Máster Universitario de Estudios Contemporáneos en América Latina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España. Email: racerro@ucm.es. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8419-6172.


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How to Cite

Cerro Fernández, R. (2024). When stability is not necessarily good. Notes on the Chilean party system in the years leading up to the social outbreak. Política, Globalidad Y Ciudadanía, 10(20), 121–134. https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc10.20-322