Political Culture and Perception of Human Rights Protection in Brazil: a face of quality of democracy in the country
HumanRigths, Political Culture, Quality of DemocracyAbstract
The political culture of the society consists of the perceptionof citizens about the political phenomena.Therefore, know how citizens have understood the questionof the protection of human rights It makes it possible to learn more about the Brazilian political behavior, which is to guide the design of public policies to encourage support for these rights and reaffirm the importance to democracy. Being like that, we must bear in mind the premise of which the satisfaction with the action of the State is a recognized element of the confidence of the citizens in the institutions and bigger / better quality of democracy. Mainly because, the studies of political culture have demonstrated that the number of Brazilian citizens who support the political system, but they do not agree with the institutional democratic aspects, it is high. In this sense, it becomes in discussion how Brazilian citizens have understood over time the protection of these rights in Brazil.
The raised hypothesis was that the perception of the Brazilian citizen on the protection of the human rights has been kept in the negative sense, that is to say, that the Brazilian does not consider have these protected rights.
The adopted methodology was quantitative, with the statistical longitudinal analysis of information of public opinion gathered by the institute of investigation Latinobarómetro in the rounds of survey survey in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2015 in Brazil. As a partial result, met with all this this time series, the majority of the population feels little or nothing guaranteed of protection of the environment, equality of gender, equal opportunities irrespective of the origin of the people, freedom of expression (except for 2009 and 2011), security and social security. These findings call into question the quality of democracy in Brazil.
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