Biodiversity impacts from wind parks in the northeastern part of Mexico
Biodiversity, impact, Northeastern part of Mexico, Wind Parks, Energy reformAbstract
The present article is a product of a bibliographical revision, which aim consisted of analyzing how the northeastern part of Mexico, from the energy reform of 2013, has had an increase of renewable energy production, becoming prominent the wind energy, this due to orographic conditions that generate friendly weather conditions. The analysis method was applied, with a quality approach, non-experimental design, under a cross documental-bibliographical level. Following the documental review, it was found that, although the wind power relieves the fossil fuel dependence, itemizes the fact whereby the installation and the operation of wind parks causes impacts to the biodiversity, specially to flying capacity species (birds, bats, and butterflies), in particular; collisions with wind turbines, environmental disturbance, as well as habitat changes. It is concluded that it is clear the growth of the wind industry that sustains and will sustain the northeastern part of the country.Downloads
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