The biopolitical transformation of the Nation-State "The art of governing populations in neoliberalism”


  • Gustavo García Rojas Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León



Biopolitics, coloniality, state of exception, necrocapitalism.


This article is the product of a bibliographic review, which objective was to discuss the key conceptual transformations regarding the role of the state or the “art of governing” from the critical stance of biopolitics. The method of analysis was applied, with a qualitative approach, non-experimental design, under a transversal documentary-bibliographic level. After the documentary review it was found that: this change of historical conceptions is articulated with the critical formulations of coloniality and the political form of the state of exception in the path of transformations that the role of the nation-state as a privileged form of power in the capitalism has had. This will be addressed in a general way in this chapter. It is concluded that the conception of Necrocapitalism is introduced to understand the way in which states control their populations as a determination of the global economic calculation in the contemporary world.


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How to Cite

García Rojas, G. (2019). The biopolitical transformation of the Nation-State "The art of governing populations in neoliberalism”. Política, Globalidad Y Ciudadanía, 4(7), 31.