Quality models applied to the mediation services in Mexico
Consumer, mediation, models, quality, service.Abstract
This article is a research that has a purely qualitative approach, part of a non-experimental design, under a cross-sectional documentary-bibliographic level. Its general objective is to analyze the main quality evaluation models and to define which of them has been applied to evaluate the mediation service in Mexico. After reviewing the literature and the documentary analysis it was determined that: The main national and international quality models have not yet been applied to evaluate the mediation service, since they are focused on assessing a general context such as the traditional justice system and other items related to the marketing of products and services. However, it was determined that the quality of the mediation service has been evaluated by standardized models developed by some academic research. It is concluded that in Mexico there is a need to implement rigorous and standardized models to evaluate the mediation service, with the aim of obtaining a national and international certification that ratifies the institutions that meet the quality standards.
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