Factors that allow promoting the use of successful franchises in Nuevo León


  • Bárbara Beatriz Rodríguez Guerrero Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León - México
  • Roberto Ayala Palacios Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León - México




Technical Assistance, Contractual Conditions, Franchises, Relationship of the parties, Renown of the brand.


The growth of the franchise model has been significant, due, among other reasons, to the growing desire of individuals to achieve their labor and economic independence, which is why companies see it as an opportunity to expand to other markets (Mosquera, 2010). For what is intended to identify those factors that drive the use of successful franchises in Mexico, reflected in an increase in franchised units. For what is intended to identify those factors that drive the use of successful franchises in Mexico, reflected in an increase in franchised units. Once these factors are identified, they can be promoted with other companies, especially SMEs, with a desire to expand and that are not integrated into a franchise system, and thus obtain business growth that would impact the country's economic growth. The methodology used in the research was quantitative since it is intended to collect data from a sample and from there to be able to identify some variables, the data collection would be through a questionnaire that was developed from the revised theoretical framework, said instrument was applied to A representative sample of franchisors to find out the factors that have allowed them to be successful in their franchises and the results show that by combining the information of the franchisors, it is identified that they all agree that the “Renown of the Brand” has an important influence on success of the franchise, this reflected with an increase in units.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Guerrero, B. B., & Ayala Palacios, R. (2020). Factors that allow promoting the use of successful franchises in Nuevo León. Política, Globalidad Y Ciudadanía, 6(12), 246. https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.12-13