Entrepreneurial qualities of the graduate from the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Colombia
Profile, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial spirit, Professional trainingAbstract
This article seeks to identify the entrepreneurial qualities of the graduate of the National Open and Distance University - UNAD, with which it will be possible to create courses that promote the integral development and capacities of people, orienting them towards a productive world that accounts for the application of Law 1014 of 2006 to strengthen entrepreneurship in the country. From a study with an exploratory, descriptive and correlational scope with a quantitative approach, after establishing the five (05) key variables: Initiative, Creativity, Risk Tolerance, Perseverance and Planning. A questionnaire-type instrument is designed with 15 questions and four (4) evaluation criteria each. Which is applied to a sample of 519 graduates of the 5 schools during the year 2014 to 2018. At the end of the study it is clear that these should incorporate in the micro-curricula of the programs that offer those courses that promote the entrepreneurial culture in the entire Unadista community The above, taking into account that the university expresses in the theological framework that it must contribute to education for all through the open and distance modality through the development of the entrepreneurial spirit within the framework of a global and knowledgeable societyDownloads
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