Guarantee of constitutional control in labor trials in Nicaragua


  • Karla Ninoska Pineda Gadea Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua



Access to justice, constitutional justice, labor law, protection of rights


This article is part of an investigation with the same title that aimed to analyze the guarantees of constitutionality control in labor trials in Nicaragua, to achieve this the analytical-synthetic method is adopted. the legal norm, doctrine and institutions on labour protection were diluted, which generally start from the particular in a historical-evolutive order. Similarly, the method of case analysis was considered inescapable; some methods complement and allow the enrichment of the investigation, in which Nicaragua was found not to have a mechanism that provides access to constitutional justice in labor matters and therefore the parties to the labor processes have initiated malpractice of the amparo appeal, seeking to use it as a third instance. The main recommendation is the development of criteria that guide the constitutional chamber and appeals courts to set limits and define clear criteria on which litigants can allege constitutional violations.


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Author Biography

Karla Ninoska Pineda Gadea, Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua

Doctor of Law from the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua, Graduate and postgraduate professor at the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua


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How to Cite

Pineda Gadea, K. N. (2021). Guarantee of constitutional control in labor trials in Nicaragua. Política, Globalidad Y Ciudadanía, 7(13), 258.