Public policy through a teleodontological education model
Education, information technology, public politics, teleodontologyAbstract
The isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic corroborated the importance of generating programs and even public policies that are established according to remote needs, the use of information technologies to continue with online teaching. The purpose of the research was determining the factors that are necessary for the development of professional skills in online continuing education, at the School of Dentistry of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León. The methodology used has a quantitative approach and was carried out using a questionnaire, designed for the project obtained from previous scientific research considering the variables of teledentistry, education, infrastructure, and technology. This questionnaire was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 28 teachers and 42 students. According to the results found in the quantitative analysis, it is observed that teachers and students consider it important to use online continuing education through teledentistry to strengthen educational competencies and skills in a virtual way that allow them to improve access to oral health.
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