Political, pandemic, and social crisis: study of the Government Bolsonaro in the context of COVID19 in Brazil
Democracy, Jair Bolsonaro, political renewal movements, , COVID-19 pandemic, popularityAbstract
The objective of this article is to present the results of a quantitative probabilistic research carried out with the Brazilian population in the national territory to identify the perceptions of the presidential government of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. The research cut is dimensioned for the years 2019 and 2020, in order to align with the first part of the current president’s term and converge on the mot representative issues that emerged in the Brazilian and global context, such as dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the respective public policies oriented to combat and control the disease, the strengthening and guidelines of social movements and political renewal that have emerge in recent years and the position of the government under diplomatic and international conduct. According to the parameters of the research, it was possible to identify a growing discontent with the Brazilian federal government, under the prism of fighting the pandemic and actions to stimulate economic growth. Factors that point the difficulties that will be faced in the second term, which will culminate strategically in the 2022 elections and possible reelection attempt of the Executive
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