Catalonia-Spain conflict: CDA of photographs issued on 1-O in Catalonia




Catalonia’s referendum, Critical analysis of the discourse, national identity, photojournalism, police charges


This article aimed to produce an analytical guide for the journalistic discourse on the day of the illegal referendum in Catalonia, on October 1, 2017, and analyze four images of two national newspapers in Spain. The method of critical analysis of the speech of the Dutch linguist Teun Van Dijk was applied, to confirm the hypothesis that the photograph in the press represents the national identity of a people, with the discursive analysis technique the type of research is descriptive. The intention here is to highlight four photographs of the newspapers El País and captured during the day of the illegal referendum in Catalonia on 1 October 2017. They are four representative images of the purpose raised above, belonging to two Spanish newspapers, one traditional and the other digital. It was found that the images that have circulated in the media about the Catalan process have served to give a social contextualization of the event. It was concluded that the photograph in the press can replace the journalistic text that helps the understanding and assimilation of the content of the news there is transformed into a suitable discourse, representative of the problems of today.


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How to Cite

Mahi, W. (2022). Catalonia-Spain conflict: CDA of photographs issued on 1-O in Catalonia. Política, Globalidad Y Ciudadanía, 9(17), 89.