Key elements of socialism with Chinese characteristics: intellectual development up to Xi Jinping’s presidency
Communist party of China, socialism of the 21st century, socialism with Chinese characteristicsAbstract
The doctrinal body of socialism with Chinese characteristics is made up of the ideological contribution of the political leaders of the People's Republic of China from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping, in a flexible intellectual compendium, which without forgetting its roots has been able to adapt to the new needs of the country, combining elements of traditional Chinese knowledge, presenting a completely original interpretation of Marxism-Leninism. The purpose of this article is to expose and identify the elements that support the ideological model promoted by the Communist Party of China, through the documentary review of the speech of its leaders, according to what is contained in the volumes published by Foreign Languages Press, that together has originated a theoretical system that is flexible and adaptable, founded on a single party of Marxist ideology, which defends coexistence with capitalism, economic opening to obtain foreign investment, the integration of the different social strata and the reduction of inequality between them, as a means with which to structure the activity of this institution, which holds its primacy as a guide to Chinese society.
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