Editorial volume 9 number 17: crises fundamentally caused by the pandemic and war


  • Jorge Isaac Lechuga-Cardozo Editor Revista Política




2030 Agenda, SDGs, covid 19 pandemic


Currently, the world is experiencing two crises mainly caused by the pandemic and war. On the one hand, the pandemic impacted economies, the virus continues to spread and evolve into new variants, producing new disruptions and attenuating the divergence between rich and poor countries. On the other, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has impacted the Ukrainian economy, has been accompanied by seismic waves in the region and has caused the displacement of millions of innocent people. In this sense, governments face great challenges to safeguard world peace and respond to the 2030 agenda.


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Georgieva, K. (2022). Una crisis tras otra: Cómo puede responder el mundo. https://www.imf.org/es/News/Articles/2022/04/14/sp041422-curtain-raiser-sm2022

Lechuga-Cardozo, J. I., & Leyva-Cordero, O. (2019). Escenarios 2020 del Orden Mundial. Análisis desde la Prospectiva Estratégica. ÁNFORA, 27(48), 137–161. https://doi.org/10.30854/anf.v27.n48.2020.672 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30854/anf.v27.n48.2020.672



How to Cite

Lechuga-Cardozo, J. I. (2022). Editorial volume 9 number 17: crises fundamentally caused by the pandemic and war. Política, Globalidad Y Ciudadanía, 9(17), 1. https://doi.org/10.29105/rpgyc9.17-246