Employment situation and perception of graduates in their university academic training
Graduates, Employment, Academic Training, Labor Insertion, BondingAbstract
The main objective of this article is to know the characteristics of the performance of graduates, in order to identify the weaknesses and strengths in their professional training in order to provide feedback and reinforce the processes of the institution's plans and programs. In recent years, technological changes and globalization have modified the requirements of university graduates, so it is necessary to identify new needs that strengthen their professional development. The educational transformation has had a notable impact on the work environment and the needs of human capital, which is why it is considered imperative to adapt the current academic plans and thus strengthen the professional development of graduates; to achieve this, a questionnaire was applied to 50 graduates using the survey technique of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, (UANL). Finally, it is concluded that the graduates have managed to position themselves satisfactorily in the labor market in the areas related to the bachelor's degree program.
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