Otherness and International Relations: an episteme transcendent to the social sciences?
Epistemology, international relations, Kuhn, otherness, social sciencesAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze to what extent the discipline of International Relations, thanks to its ontological need to study otherness, would be better placed than other fields of knowledge to transcend the solipsism on which the community's membership of every paradigm is defined. The article practiced a qualitative design, based on an analytical-conceptual approach. A critical examination of sociology and the history of international relations was carried out, also appealing to analytical categories from the philosophy of science and epistemology in order to prove that the discipline of reference would be, at least in principle, more supportive of the representations of the reality of otherness than third fields of knowledge. It was found that such a thesis is grounded on the premise that International Relations, by requiring the study of perspectives that are diverse and even contradictory to those from which the examination of the cognizing subject is based, invites a critical reflection, which would allow us to question the cognitive immobilism that all epistemic communities, to a greater or lesser extent, embrace.
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