Is the existence of a glass ceiling perceived in Chilean municipalities?
gender barriers, leadership, municipal management, vertical segregationAbstract
This study examines the perception of those holding managerial positions in the municipalities of the Llanquihue province, Chile, regarding the existence of vertical segregation and, specifically, the glass ceiling in their respective institutions. It investigates whether internal, external, and mixed barriers are perceived. The sample was convenience-based and consisted of 34 executives affiliated with 5 municipalities in southern Chile. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures were used to analyze the quantitative data obtained through a questionnaire. The results reflect that, despite abundant empirical evidence of this type of segregation in public administration, there were no findings in this research to confirm such perception. Moreover, there are no significant differences between women and men regarding a higher perception among women of the existence of the glass ceiling, opening an interesting path for further analysis.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nancy Alarcón Henríquez, Wendolin Suárez-Amaya, Javiera Ulloa Aguilera, Macarena Weisser Vargas

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