Diagnosis for Implementation of management information systems in SMEs of the Province of Tundama
administrative and managerial factors, industry 4.0, information system, internet of things, methodAbstract
This study seeks to propose a method to implement Management Information Systems (GIS) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Tundama Province, located in the department of Boyacá, Colombia. Based on a diagnosis of GIS management in companies in the province, as well as the administrative and managerial guidelines established by them. A cross-sectional descriptive scope sequential explanatory design research methodology (DEXPLIS) was used, consisting of two stages: the first consists of the collection and analysis of quantitative data, while the second focuses on the collection and evaluation of qualitative data. As a result of this study, a diagnosis was made of the 171 participating SMEs in relation to the development, use, experiences, and implementation of GIS, with a focus on industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT). In addition, the relevant administrative and managerial factors were identified and determined. Based on these findings, a method was proposed that addresses the specific business needs of the Tundama province, with the aim of mitigating economic losses, reducing downtime, minimizing reprocessing, and retraining, and facilitating the incorporation of new companies in the use of IoT as administrative tools to improve organizational production processes such as billing, inventory management, accounting, collection accounts, among others.
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