Governance and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in the Right to Education: The Role of the Teacher in the Digital Age
Higher Education, Governance, Artificial IntelligenceAbstract
The study aimed to analyze the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, focusing on its impact on the teaching role and ethical governance. With a qualitative design based on documentary review, relevant sources were analyzed between 2018 and 2023, organized into categories. The results revealed that AI has transformed the teacher into a facilitator of learning, highlighting the importance of continuous training in pedagogical, technological and critical skills. However, ethical challenges were also identified, such as the digital divide and lack of regulation, which can perpetuate inequalities and compromise academic integrity. The conclusions emphasize the need to integrate AI in an ethical and balanced way, preserving human values and promoting inclusive and quality education in line with SDG4. The importance of effective governance that guarantees transparency and equitable access is highlighted, as is the conduct of future research that includes the direct perspective of teachers and students to evaluate the practical implementation of these technologies. In short, AI represents a transformative opportunity, provided it is used as a complement and not a substitute for human interaction.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Abraham A. Hernández Paz, Dave Alexander López Mejía

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