Between clientelism and trust: links and relationships between individuals and local political institution.
Clientelism, institutional trust, interpersonal trust, near clientelismAbstract
Clientelism is an asymmetrical relationship that implies certain political advantage by the authorities, but above all individuals to have certain resources. Although clientelism has an informal and illegal halo, it has enabled individuals to come closer to their institution. Trust relationships seek to establish links between individuals and their political institution, which can last, generating legitimacy, and achieving greater satisfaction with local democracy.
It tries to observe in what way both concepts are related, but above all, if through clientelistic relationships it is plausible to build trust-worthy relationships. Local political institution will be analyzed in two districts of the Lima´s same zone stratum; using qualitative and quantitative techniques. Considering also variables, such as, interpersonal trust, local democracy satisfaction, local authority behavior with local people, in order to observe if they play a role in the ways of relating between each other.
All this is evaluated in determinant and logistic models. Clientelism predominates in the way to establish links. It correlates directly with confidence. Also, clientelism can explain confidence in local political institution. And likewise, a probability of being able to trust. Therefore, to build institutional trust, there as a variety of ways that one would say "damage" the development of institutions and democracy, however, they show certain practices that formal relationships can´t accomplish between individuals.
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