Governing the sustainable growth: from the global governance to the multilevel governance
The present article addresses the contributions that the sustainable growth governance has left and its utility as a standard for Mexico development plans. A documental analysis is executed about global, regional and national governance of emitted policies about sustainable development. Proposals coming from the United Nations are identified such as the ones of the European Commission, and the currently national agenda that address the current issue. It was possible to conclude that the challenges generated by the sustainable development in the public policy agendas are valid, with regard to the coordination, continuity and effective implementation. Key words: Sustainable growth, multilevel governance, European Commission, global governance. Cómo referenciar este artículo:Tijerina, W. (2017). Gobernando el desarrollo sustentable: de la gobernanza global a la gobernanza multinivel. Políticas, Globalidad y Ciudadanía, 32-40.
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