Monographic Call: Electoral Studies: Systems, Parties and Citizens

Volume 11, Issue 22, july - december 2025

The present special issue of the Revista Política, Globalidad y Ciudadanía, titled Monograph: Electoral Studies: Systems, Parties, and Citizens, has been developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León and the Latin American Association of Electoral Campaign Researchers (ALICE). This joint effort aims to provide a multidimensional analysis of electoral processes, encompassing the dynamics of political systems, the evolution of parties, and the role of citizens in contemporary democracies.

On this occasion, we are honored to have the distinguished participation of guest editors Dr. Carlos Muñiz Muriel, from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, and Dr. Mario Riorda, from Universidad Austral, both renowned for their academic and research contributions. This monograph establishes itself as a space for critical reflection and academic contribution to electoral studies in Latin America.


Democratic elections represent crucial milestones in the construction of civil, democratic, and accountable governance. From a philosophical perspective, elections stand as the cornerstone that legitimizes the democratic system, reflecting the representative will of an entire nation, regardless of its diversity and the presence of minorities within society. On a more practical level, elections unfold within an institutional framework that establishes legitimate pathways to access and exercise power through electoral processes. At this intersection of politics and law, legality and legitimacy intertwine to cement fair competition and the acceptance of electoral outcomes. Consequently, the legitimacy of the electoral process and the acceptance of its results play a crucial role in the pursuit of sustainable peace.

In this context, electoral studies, a fundamental branch of political science, focus on analyzing a wide range of critical topics, including electoral processes, voter decision-making, the structure of political parties, electoral systems, and other aspects related to politics and democracy. These thematic areas are of paramount importance as they provide clarity on how democratic systems function, thereby enabling their continuous improvement. Additionally, they play an essential role in assessing the integrity and effectiveness of electoral processes, which, in turn, strengthens democratic institutions. Consistent with this, Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) grants citizens the right to vote and be elected in genuine elections, underscoring the challenges associated with voting and the complex issues of citizenship and eligibility (INE, 2016).

These focal points offer an opportunity to reflect on legal issues and electoral reforms, as well as the construction of popular will and the creation of entities aimed at homogenization, opening a space to examine minority representation and forms of citizen participation. In this sense, scientific research on electoral studies fosters international cooperation in this field and promotes democracy worldwide by broadening public debate.

In light of this, the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations is pleased to announce its call for submissions for a special issue (volume 11 (22), July– December 2025), which will address relevant and current topics in this field. This important project aims to bring together original research from around the world that addresses various issues, challenges, and democratic models to enhance the fairness and transparency of electoral processes. This special volume seeks to analyze and compare electoral contexts across different countries, considering inequalities, voter behavior, electoral decision-making, and technological innovation. It also aims to foster debate in favor of building an informed and participatory citizenry and contributing to a legitimate rule of law.

Política, Globalidad y Ciudadanía is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico. It promotes the exchange, dissemination, and transfer of knowledge in the field of Social Sciences, taking the political reality of Latin America and the world as a reference. The journal is currently indexed in SciELO, DIALNET, Redalyc, BIBLAT, DOAJ, REBID, Clase, Latindex, MIAR, ERIHPlus, DRJI, Actualidad Iberoamericana, LatinRev, InfoBASE, OAJI, ERIHPLUS, and Google Scholar.

To promote the integrity and legitimacy of electoral processes through the analysis and discussion of the challenges and opportunities inherent in international relations.


  • Electoral Systems, Policies, and Reforms.
  • Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns.
  • Electoral Participation, Voter Behavior, and Human Rights.
  • Technological Innovation and Emerging Trends in Electoral Processes.
  • Electoral Observation and Combating Disinformation.


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Artículos de investigación científica y tecnológica: Documentos que presentan de manera, detallada, los resultados originales de proyectos de investigación terminada. La estructura contiene título, resumen, abstract, introducción, método, resultados, discusión, conclusiones y referencias. Debe presentar 30 referencias, preferiblemente, citando a otros artículos de revistas científicas al interior del documento. Un artículo científico es un informe escrito y publicado que describe resultados originales de una investigación.

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  • Fecha de inicio para el envío de artículos: 20 de november de 2024.
  • Fecha límite para el envío de artículos: 15 de mayo de 2025.


Instituto Nacional Electoral – INE (2016). Electoral Studies in Compared International Perspective. Voting from Abroad in 18 Latin American Countries. México, D.F.

Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales – COMECSO (2023). Congreso Internacional de Estudios Electorales.