Migratory flows in southern Chiapas: a local narrative of the impact of migrant caravans and African groups


  • Cándido Chan Pech Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas




African migration, Central American migration, migrant caravans, and local narratives


This article is a documentary review whose objective is to present a narrative that raises the impact of the migration that is taking place in the city of Tapachula, Chiapas. The qualitative method and in particular the ethnographic method were applied using the documentary review as a research technique, considering as input the local narratives found in the news, reports and articles that the local newspapers generate. It is based on the chronological narrative of Central American migration through the caravans, and the African-Caribbean groups which are impacting on dimensions such as the daily life of local life and the mutation of the forms and ways of migrating, all in the period from October 2018- September 2019. It was found that since last year the flow of migrants has increased exponentially causing a series of cultural interrelations that are reconfiguring everyday life; emerging new realities and cultures as the examples of xenophobia and discrimination that are taking place within a strictu sensu policy implemented from the same government. It concludes with the approach to the birth of a trapped African community, seeing new latent crises in everyday life.


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How to Cite

Chan Pech, C. (2019). Migratory flows in southern Chiapas: a local narrative of the impact of migrant caravans and African groups. Política, Globalidad Y Ciudadanía, 5(10), 43. https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc5.10-2