La representación sustantiva de las mujeres en las agendas legislativas de lasdiputadas mexicanas
Palabras clave:
diputadas, agendas legislativas, partidos políticos, representación sustantiva de las mujeresResumen
This article aims to identify the substantive representation of women in the legislative agendas of female Mexican deputies in the LVII and LXII Legislatures of the Congress emphasising those legislative proposals related to gender2 . Consequently it seeks to offer empirical data about legislative proposals and issues by parliamentary group with the aim of understanding what women do in the legislative sphere, via their parliamentary agendas and what is the substantive representation of women in this political sphere. The study concentrates on the initiatives presented in the LVII (1997-2000) and LXII Legislatures (2012- 2015) in the Chamber of Deputies by congresswomen according to the Parliamentary Group to which they belong. The findings show that there are noticeable differences in the legislative agendas of female Deputies according to the Parliamentary Group to which they belong. While those belonging to the PRI and PAN tend to prioritise issues considered more “feminine”, those belonging to the PRD, PVEM and PT have been characterized by issues that are considered more “masculine”. Furthermore, the Substantive Representation of Women in both legislatures is shown in the introduction of “women’s interests” in the political agenda, as well as the female perspective to approach different issues, including: work, migration, Human Rights, among others.
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