Analysis of the new forms of war seen from an omnidimensional context to the new cognitive vision


  • Faiver Coronado Camero Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, Colombia
  • William Alfredo Sierra Gutiérrez Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, Colombia



Capabilities, strategic, security, technological, unrestricted war


This paper, part of the study that seeks to build through history through an analysis of the new forms of war seen from an omnidimensional context, to the new cognitive vision, in its methodology, sought with a qualitative study, the construction of knowledge with the review of history and the context of study, delves into the conceptualization of unrestricted war and definitions that directly affect the intelligence actions of the military forces based on a global perspective. As a result, it is important to address history, without being indifferent to the reality of Colombia and the global context, the new changes: the difficulty in making decisions and addressing the priority to be able to deploy a Joint Military Force with the necessary capabilities that are effective, Professional and quickly adaptable. The Military Forces in Latin America are not predestined to simply succeed on the battlefield. to the insurgent and terrorist struggle of different organized crime actors, require appropriate means and methods in all fields within the context of defense and national security hand in hand with a firm and defined political will in accordance with the national interests of the states. It can be concluded that, within this new evolution of conflicts, we will address the postulates that in 1999 appear with a new approach to the study of war by the colonels of the Army of the People's Republic of China Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, who introduced a new concept, not only in the United States, but throughout the world: Unrestricted War.


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Author Biographies

Faiver Coronado Camero, Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, Colombia

Magister en Seguridad y Defensa Nacionales de la Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, Colombia. Docente Investigador del Departamento de Estrategia en la Escuela Superior de Guerra. Email: Orcid:

William Alfredo Sierra Gutiérrez, Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, Colombia

Magister en Seguridad y Defensa Nacionales de la Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, Colombia.  Profesor – Investigador en el Centro de estudios Estratégicos sobre Seguridad y Defensa Nacionales – CSEDN de la Escuela Superior de Guerra. Email: Orcid:


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How to Cite

Coronado Camero, F., & Sierra Gutiérrez, W. A. (2022). Analysis of the new forms of war seen from an omnidimensional context to the new cognitive vision. Política, Globalidad Y Ciudadanía, 9(17), 42.