University paradiplomacy, the transformations of universities in the face of COVID 19
COVID-19, Internationalization of higher education, University paradiplomacyAbstract
The public and private university model in Mexico has been transformed with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new strategies of university paradiplomacy create a new university system capable of integrating digital strategies and inter-institutional relations at a distance. The objective of this article is to compile the different strategies that are implemented to carry out paradiplomatic actions in universities and the impact they have on attracting foreign students who enter a Postgraduate degree at UANL. In a study carried out before and during the pandemic, a quantitative instrument was used to collect data through surveys applied to foreign students. This article is the product of a documentary and literary review where it was found that the contrast of results indicated a transformation in the university company and its internationalization during the pandemic. The new university models bring with them new paradiplomacy strategies that allow us to understand the international dimension of universities as local actors.
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Copyright (c) 2021 María Gabriela Zapata-Morán, Jorge Hipólito Berlanga-Ramírez, Hugo Salazar-Mata

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