Vol. 6 No. 11 (2020): January - June

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This new socio-spatial, dynamic and complex reality raises multiple challenges, readings and valuations around multicultural coexistence and social development in host cities, attracting the interest of social sciences in Latin America, which has resulted in a greater number of research projects, specialization courses, study centers and national and international interregional and transatlantic collaboration that reflect on migration, coexistence and social incorporation. These changes have led to old emigration countries becoming migratory destinations (Spain and Portugal; Mexico), and conversely, old immigration destinations (Venezuela) have become expulsion of immigrants (Gissi, Ghio and Silva, 2019 ), or that they harbor both emigration and immigration, a reality that became evident in the Iberian Peninsula during the last world crisis (Padilla and Ortiz 2012) or in the new migratory context in Latin America (Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil), in the actuality very marked by the Venezuelan exodus. Inclusively, it has become evident how political and electoral processes increasingly influence immigration.

Published: 2020-02-05


  • Monographic International Migrations: Incorporation processes in Ibero-America

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.11-1
    Felipe Aliaga Sáez, Nicolás Gissi Barbieri, Beatriz Padilla


  • State and migration: The reflection of the policies in the external mobility of Cubans

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.11-2
    Yulianela Pérez García
  • Traces and scars of the post-earthquake Haitian migration

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.11-3
    Wooldy Edson Louidor
  • Public policies of integration of immigrants. Successes and failures in Venezuela

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.11-4
    Jenny Luliet Moreno
  • Labor insertion policies of returning Colombian migrants between 2012 and 2018

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.11-5
    Donna Catalina Cabrera Serrano, Stéphanie López-Villamil
  • The Challenges of Brazilian Migration Policy in the Face of Haitian Migration Flow

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.11-6
    Leonardo Cavalcanti, Lorena Pereda, Marília de Macêdo, Tânia Tonhati
  • Haitian migration in Santiago, Chile: Expulsions, imaginary and social insertion in a neoliberal nation-state

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.11-7
    Juan Carlos Rodríguez Torrent, Nicolás Gissi Barbieri
  • Three decades later… Evolution of immigrant incorporation policies in Portugal: A new reading

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.11-8
    Beatriz Padilla, Thais França
  • Analysis of some vectors on international migration in Spain: Educational integration and integration policies under debate

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.11-9
    Antonia Olmos Alcaraz
  • Theoretical approach to the integration of immigrants at three levels: Understanding, adaptation and inclusion

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29105/pgc6.11-10
    Felipe Aliaga Sáez