Vol. 6 No. 11 (2020): January - June

This new socio-spatial, dynamic and complex reality raises multiple challenges, readings and valuations around multicultural coexistence and social development in host cities, attracting the interest of social sciences in Latin America, which has resulted in a greater number of research projects, specialization courses, study centers and national and international interregional and transatlantic collaboration that reflect on migration, coexistence and social incorporation. These changes have led to old emigration countries becoming migratory destinations (Spain and Portugal; Mexico), and conversely, old immigration destinations (Venezuela) have become expulsion of immigrants (Gissi, Ghio and Silva, 2019 ), or that they harbor both emigration and immigration, a reality that became evident in the Iberian Peninsula during the last world crisis (Padilla and Ortiz 2012) or in the new migratory context in Latin America (Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil), in the actuality very marked by the Venezuelan exodus. Inclusively, it has become evident how political and electoral processes increasingly influence immigration.